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Bittersweet * Shredding It Away March 23, 2009

Posted by Krystle in Dietitian, I'm a Shredhead!, Jillian's 30 Day Shred, Ohh, The Struggles, The bodybugg, The Routine.
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Well, I’m not going to be Mrs. Doom and Gloom – that’s not who I am, so with that; this week I was up 3.5 lbs. I know why I was, I let go this weekend and there is no doubt in my mind that, that was what caused the weight gain. I definitely do NOT blame it all on this, but I am PMSing this week and 1 month ago at my dietitian appointment, I was up in weight too.

I wasn’t happy when I saw the scale, but I’m over it. I can’t change anything about the number now – so I just have to push forward! I did however meet my goal for the month – so far. I had my first initial dietitian appointment on 2/25/2009. My goal was to lose 6 lbs by 3/25/2009; so far as of today I am down 7 lbs in the past month – so that is okay, I will take that. I won’t think about the fact that I WAS down 10.5 in one month. It’s okay, I can accept where I’m at now. 🙂

You just have to keep pushing on forward when things don’t go quite your way. I’m still under the 240.0 mark that I swore myself I wouldn’t go over – but really, if I did go over it – it’s not like it’s going to change anything; I’ll just keep pushing forward!

So, with that – that’s why it’s all Bittersweet… I still met my monthly goal of 6 lbs (really 7 lbs) down in one month – and who knows maybe I’ll lose another pound by Wednesday, I’m not counting on it though. I still had a 1000 calorie deficit today too after I did the shred, and that’s my daily goal – so it’s okay. 🙂

Also, if you can’t tell from a few of my posts I’m mixing up my workouts – I really like it that way. I don’t get bored very often, and I look forward to trying something new. Chris, my husband just bought P90X so that is here, we just need to get a chin up bar and I’m hoping to start that too! And, I will say – the Shred was still hard today, but I don’t feel like I burn enough calories – might be time to step it up a bit.

How did you do? What would you have done differently this week?

Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting. March 20, 2009

Posted by Krystle in TBL Cardio Max, The Routine.
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I could tell you about how awesome the workout was – or how well, yes it was awesome – still didn’t make me sweat as much as DWTS workout but close.

I could tell you about how sore I was feeling today, and yet how good it felt.

Instead, I’m going to tell you about how fucking back my back hurts, and the left side of my butt, down my thigh and legs… mainly my back.

I did The Biggest Loser Cardio Max – Level 1. 30 minutes. That’s it. With hand weights. And I kept moving – likely wrong, and I think I was straining my back and wasn’t supporting it like I should have been.

Because I can’t walk or sit or stretch or extend my back without wincing in pain.

Needless to say, there will be no workout tonight.

I hurt.like.hell.

…and tomorrow? I’m sorry. I won’t probably be watching my diet a WHOLE lot… Chris (my husband) and I are going to the casino about half hour away to see Darius Rucker and enjoy our 6 month wedding anniversary which is actually today! 6 months…woohoo! Ha!

Dancing it Away * Day 1 March 18, 2009

Posted by Krystle in Dancing It Away, Dietitian, Jillian's 30 Day Shred, The bodybugg, The Routine.
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So, I guess I’m doing a bit of a mix up here of workouts. It keeps me motivated, dedicated to keep trying new things and to keep up my workout regime.

I walked into Target last night with the plan of only looking for ONE CD that I wanted – it was a single, just the CD, that’s all I needed. Guess what that led to? Walking through the Easter section and purchasing this, a really cute easter door wreath hanger thing that I can’t get a picture of that I will use to hang the wreath I bought and this, Oh, here is a picture of it that I took this morning – haha… anyways, then… walked through the book section and almost bought this but didn’t, then I meandered through the workout/sporting good area to looking for a Walking Away the Pounds DVD, when I came across this. Uh, can you say workout? Dancing is effing HARD, yo! I did the full 60 minutes of it, and I can honestly tell you I HAD FUN! It was a blast, it was barely even a workout – well, I mean… it was workout and I was sweating WAY MORE than I EVER EVER EVER do normally… my head was dripping, my shirt was wet, my legs were on fire, my next was wet… my back was … uh, yeah… you get the picture. Anyways, I didn’t even sweat this bad when I did the walk from hell on Monday night!! Nor did I sweat this bad when I did the 20 min shred… holy crap, that’s all I can say. My legs are hurting today, that’s for sure. I’m going to continue doing this and see if it helps! ALSO, guess what? I put in all my calories and everything for yesterday on my bodybugg……..CHECK THIS OUT!!


Do you see what I see? I kicked ASS last night! I have not walked so many steps nor burned that many calories EVER in a day, even while doing the shred! So, needless today say – the shred still kicks my ever lovin’ ass, but I’m going to probably alternate dancing, shredding and cardio max from TBL… annnnnnd my hubby just order P90X so I’m hoping to throw that in there too – although I’m pretty sure I won’t make it through the first workout on P90X. Yeegads.

Let’s see? Oh, if you haven’t looked around lately on my weight history page, I was down 1.5 this last week, I’ll take it. My goal is 2 lbs, but that’s okay… it’s managable at 1.5 lbs. I think that’s a good steady pace. When I weighed in with my dietician on February 25th, my weight was 246.2 and my goal was to be down 6 lbs by the time I met with her 1 month later which is on March 25th (I Might have to change the appt though) and right now, 21 days after my weigh in of 246.2… I currently weigh 235.7. So I’m down well over my alotted 6 lbs at 10.5 lbs currently… and if I lose another pound or two in a week and a half, that could be great! I think she’d be floored to see me down what I am right now, but 12 lbs? Damn! I know though, for sure this won’t continue… I think I lost a LOT of water weight at the beginning and that’s okay, I accept that. My short term goal was to be down 10% of my body weight by May 25th which would be a total of 21 lbs and I’m already half way there as of right now and I still have another 2 months to go. I can so do this, even if my weight loss slows down!

I’m still having troubles getting my eating habits under control. It’s managable and I’m learning when to tell myself no, but that doesn’t mean I’m not splurging when I shouldn’t be. For instance, today I had a mega fattening Chipotle Burrito. That’s like 1,000 cals or more right there… so needless to say I will be drinking a LOT of water today and holding out until supper tonight and have a little supper. Even if I do over eat, I just have to be sure I work my butt out tonight big time and that’s okay… I’m going to have days like this or that and slowly my eating habits will get better. I can’t throw in the towel because I mess up every now and then. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t screw up… right? Carry on…

So, if you want to spice up your workouts… go buy this, I promise you will love it *if you’re anything like me and need something to help you get a little hop in your step! :o)*

Oh, and the kicker about that little Target splurge/trip… I walked out without the one thing I went there to get! Don’t you hate that?! But now my house looks pretty so that’s okay :o)

Shredding It Away * Day 4 March 13, 2009

Posted by Krystle in I'm a Shredhead!, Jillian's 30 Day Shred, The bodybugg, The Routine.
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Well, I’m kind of spreading out my shredding which I don’t want to do, but it’s just ended up that way. I need to get back into it again every other night at least – I’m not holding to my breaks only 2 days per week; it’s been far more than that.

I have been watching what I eat however not like I should be. My biggest troubles are at night when I’m on my way home from work. I need to figure out something where I absolutely do NOT stop anywhere nor will I let myself talk myself into “okaying it” to stop like I did the past two nights. Grr. So, that’s my next hurdle to pass… I can do this, I know I can.

Last night after eating far too much for dinner (800 cals) I uploaded my bodybugg and saw that I had a calorie intake of 2122 (I’m supposed to stay at 1550) and I had only burned 2700 calls (If I eat 1550 calls per day, I’m supposed to burn 2550 cals, so since I ate 2122 cals yesterday, I should have burned 3122) and once I logged my info in and saw that I didn’t meet my 1000 deficit, I forced myself up and outta the chair and no questions asked, and did my workout! It felt good… and I did end up with a 765 deficit, so I guess I’ll just have to take that… see how I went over? Far too over (click on this to enlarge):


Today I determine to be different:

Tomorrow I’m supposed to have a daytime sleep study however I’m going to cancel it because I would like to go up north with my hubby to see his family – we haven’t been up there in far too long and I need to get away!

That’s about all… weigh in on Tuesday, I have to do good this weekend! No if’s and’s or but’s about it.

Hope you all have a fabulous Friday!

Tell me I’m not alone * Shredding it Away * Day 2 & 3 March 9, 2009

Posted by Krystle in I'm a Shredhead!, Jillian's 30 Day Shred, The bodybugg.

Well, sorry – I haven’t updated since Thursday. I mean’t to update you on Friday after I did the shred, but I was so energized and productive, I had to keep doing what I was doing. Had I not, I wouldn’t have got the bathroom painted, and completely spotlessly clean, livingroom vacuumed and picked up, kitched cleaned, laundry started, etc. I wouldn’t have done any of that… so, moral of the story… I should be doing shred in the morning before work! Lord knows how productive I’d be if I could do that… but Lord also knows how I am so not a morning person. AT.ALL!

So, meh! But, I ate all of my alotted calories on Friday, and I burned ALL of my calories that I was supposed to – and I met my activity goal of 1.5 hrs on Friday. YAY for me! It felt good, and I always have this strange awesome feeling of hurt right after I work out, until about the next day/afternoon… there is nothing better than laying down on the couch with your muscles wanting to stretch, and you can just extend your body out as long as humanely possible. Man does that feel good!

Shame on me though, I used my 2 free days per week this past weekend… I’m a wee bit nervous about how tonight is going to go… I’m kind of excited to do it though because I’ve been thinking about it all day I have my sleep study tonight and I always seem to sleep better after I have a workout completed (another plus to working out at night, see?).

Oh, question about the Shred… do any of you ever get horrendous bad cramp like pains in your very bottom gut? Like right where your ovaries are. It’s a horrible horrible bad feeling. I’m sitting here at work and I just flexed (sp?) my muscles down there in a wrong way and oh my hell it hurt… it feels like REALLY REALLY bad period cramps. Anyways, any of you ever feel that? I hope I’m not the only one.

What else is there? Oh, my bodybugg – still loving it. I just got my Fat Burn 1 Apex meal supplement in the mail on Friday along with a chocolate powder shake thingy, and that was actually pretttttty damn good, I was surprised. I’ve also had 2 of the FB 1’s, and I’m supposed to have 1 more today, but it’s a metabolizer and I don’t want it to keep me up tonight for the sleep study because, ya know… I’m supposed to sleep there.

Bit nervous about that by the way. HOWEVER! Oddly enough, and I don’t blame anyone who calls me crazy… I have these extremely weird thrilling type feeling to be in a hospital hooked up to all sorts of stuff. I enjoy giving blood… and… yeah, weird? I can’t explain. I’ll be sure to update you all two of you who read tomorrow! I have to be at the hospital tonight at 9pm and the sleep study will last until 6 or 7am tomorrow.

Oh! Tennies… what kinds of tennis shoes do you all have? Do you love them? What is an important factor you look for in shoes? Mine are a few years old and dying out on me and I want to find a good decent pair.

Happy Monday! Here’s to another shredful week! ….haaa, get it?

The Official – Jillian’s 30 Day Shred – Check In! March 5, 2009

Posted by Krystle in I'm a Shredhead!, Jillian's 30 Day Shred.
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I have joined Kristen over at I’ll stop the world and shred with you, along with all of the other members… and I am proud to say (as you can see the post below) that I have joined and completed Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred. And um, holy shit…

Anyways! For those of you that do not know me – check out my pages up there, the about me, my weight history, workout history and the inevitable *before* pictures. They are interesting, that’s for damn sure. I have such an ape like body, seriously. Check it out.

With that, I will fill out my bio! Please be sure to leave a comment! I want to follow each and every one of you!! LET’S DO THIS!

Code Name: krystlerae – nothing fancy 🙂 Although it should be weakling.

Tag Line: I wasn’t aware I had THOSE muscles.

Weight: 241.0 lbs – gah.

Goal: To get in shape and have lots and lots of babies… only kidding, I just want to be healthy. No sleep apnea, no huffing and puffing when I walk long distances, no continuous want or need for caffeine/pop or chocolate, and to not necessarily get to a certain number, but to feel good about myself. Who am I kidding though, I’d love to see 175 on the scale someday!

Diet Plan: Go from regular mountain dew to diet: done. Eliminate junky snacks, and instead snack on fruit and veggies, and eat more protein.

Rules: Drink at minimum 64oz water per day. No eating after 8pm. Dessert on either Saturday OR Sunday, not both. Cook more at home. Exercise 5 out of 7 days per week.

Shred Plan: Starting with Level 1, hopefully doing it every single day, with 1 break on the weekend (Saturday OR Sunday) and the most I can skip is 1 day, however I have to do the shred at LEAST 5 days a week. Make sense? Oh, and I’m using 3lb hand weights.

…that’s about it! Hope you found out a little about me!

Oh, and my twitter name is @krystlerae -so add me there too!

Shredding it away * Day 1 March 5, 2009

Posted by Krystle in Jillian's 30 Day Shred, The bodybugg.






Yes, that is me… crying for help.

Ohhh I kid, I kid.

So! What can I say? Day 1 of Jillian’s 30 day shred KICKED.MY.ASS!


It felt SO damn good… and it was QUICK! All of a sudden, as I was laying in agony on the floor with my feet up at 90 degrees, doing the sit up type thing… the last move of the DVD before the cool down… I nearly thought I was having a near death experience… and then, boom. It was done!

My abs are shaking.

My thighs are shaking.

My biceps are shaking.

My shins are tingling.

I’m still trying to catch my breath.

Tomorrow should be interesting, but hot damn it feels good!!


Also, I have joined “I’m a Shredhead” Are you? I think you should go out at spend that $15 on that DVD and SHRED WITH US!!!”

I made a purchase – or two. March 4, 2009

Posted by Krystle in Dietitian, Lets Try This Again, The Biggest Loser Books, The bodybugg.
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So, rather than not updating you guys for oh…the past almost week, I figured I better do so now before you think that I’ve given up again on this new thing, err life style change.

First of all, I’m going to tell you about all the things I’ve recently purchased to help aid in my new life style change… some things I have mentioned, some things I have not.

*The Biggest Loser – Family Cookbook
*The Biggest Loser – 30 Day Jump Start
*The Biggest Loser – Cookbook (Regular)
*The Biggest Loser – Weight Loss Program
*The Biggest Loser – Fitness Program
*The Biggest Loser – Complete Calorie Counter
*The Biggest Loser – Success Secrets

*Jillian’s 30 Day Shred
*The Biggest Loser – Cardio Max

*The Biggest Loser – bodybugg with digital display
*The Biggest Loser – 2009 16 month Calendar – because I need inspiration like that at work.

bodybugg extras:
*bodybugg – FatBurn 1
*bodybugg – Chocolate mix
*bodybugg – shaker mixer thingy for my drinks

Other workout items:
*The infamous Wii Fit
*Jillian’s Workout for the Wii
*Exercise Ball – which should be coming soon.

So! As you can see? I have everything to do this myself, don’t I? You can see it for yourself. I have spent oodles of money on things lately… however, I just wasn’t seeming dedicated. Until…

…until I got my bodybugg in the mail! YESTERDAY! Let me tell you…it ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF! srsly. I know they are a bit spendy, but please… do yourself a favor, and save up some money and buy one. I promise you, you won’t regret it until you look at your digital display and see you have only walked 2461 steps and you still need 7539 more before you go to bed tonight. It tells me, on that little display thingy – which looks like a pedometer, and you can also twist off the display thing from the clip and twist it onto a watch for when you work out and stuff.

Here are some pictures of my beloved:

Read about The Science Behind bodybugg.

I’ve been tracking my calories today online, and entering everything in – it’s moving my graph like it should be, it’s been amazing… and the food plan they give you? YUMM-O! After answering a questionnaire of the foods I like, it is actually putting good tasty food on there, this affordable!

I have gone through and read all of my BL books, however I need to do it again. I have all the resources, now I’m going to put them to work! My next appointment with my dietitian is on March 25th! I’d like to be down 6 lbs by then! That’s 3 weeks from today, 2 lbs per week. I can so do this!

Who’s with me?!