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Motivation April 28, 2009

Posted by Krystle in Motivational/Inspirational, Snap Fitness, The Routine, Thin & Healthy Total Solutions.
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I haven’t updated for a few days and I thought this was a perfect opportunity to do so!  I weighed in last night and lost 1.8 lbs since my last weigh in on April 22nd.  I was pleasantly surprised, and it’s exactly what I needed to keep going!  I got on the scale this morning and it said 231.0 – I use my at home weight as my true weight, but for steady documentation purposes, I used my Thin and Healthy Weigh In, to keep things official/regular.  I was super excited to see 231.0 on the scale… that is only TWO POUNDS away from 220’s!  I haven’t been back there since last year at this time, and I always felt half way normal in the 220’s… obviously not normal enough because that is still too heavy for my liking, but you know what I mean.  So, since March 30th, 2009 until today, I am down approx 15.2 lbs – I clearly remember seeing 246.0 on the scale at home with no clothes on right around that same time and that just so happened to be my official weigh in at Snap, so I’m using 246.2 as my official weigh in on all counts.  Either way, 12.6 lbs down at Snap and 15.2 down at home – I will take it, absolutely!

A friend mentioned to me that she can tell I’m different this time around… I have a different attitude, I’m more motivated, more into it than I used to be… more understanding of what is going on with my body I guess is a good way to put it.  Before I always thought I had to quit eating certain foods, exercise a certain amount, add certain foods to my diet, buy certain products, etc… I thought ALL of that was going to take the weight off… but guess what?  It didn’t.  Know why?  Because I didn’t let it, and I didn’t give it 100% of my attention… nor did I truthfully think about the factors I needed to help me maintain a healthy life style.  I was making FAR too many choices right off the bat that set me up for failure right away.  You know how that goes usually, right?  You give up after a few weeks/month.  Been there done that and I wasn’t going to do it again!

A big piece of my motivation is for this fall… I have 2 weddings, 1 of which is for my cousin and a classmate of mine.  The classmate of mine will have several of our high school classmates there for the dance and I absolutely positively want to show them all that I won’t always be the “fat girl”.  Not that I care what they think, but for a mental thought for me… that’s what I want… I want to show them!  More importantly for me though, I want to feel confident.

I haven’t been trying incredibly hard this time around to lose the weight… I’m trying to make it as seamless as possible.  If I jump in head first, I promise you I will not continue this.  I think that is what making it this time that much easier.  I am just doing it – I’m not thinking about it all the time, it doesn’t occupy my mind every minute of every day like it normal would have.  The times I think about it during the day is when I eat (obviously!) and when I stand up and walk to where ever I’m going.  My stomach muscles are tighter, my pants fit better, I’m not bloated, etc… and THAT is what is making it so much easier this time around! 

Right now I’m listening to Donna Krech’s Motivation Assassination CD and it is absolutely amazing – and has SO MANY valid TRUE points of why people fail at trying to lose weight.  I wish I could put it on here for you to listen…! 

**I am slowly getting a new website set up for my diet blog – I’m working on the theme right now.  Stay tuned.  When I do get it up and running, I will update you all here and provide a direct link to my new spot!**